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Licence Assist

Discover Licence Assist

CoDriVR Licence Assist is designed to help drivers prepare mentally and emotionally for a driving test.

Discover CoDriVR Licence Assist
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Licence Assist takes a driver step by step through the driving test process, to help them understand the actions required, repeat them at their own pace, and build their confidence for the big day.

What does it include?

Licence Assist is designed to be used alongside a qualified driving instructor wherever possible, and should always be paired with our Level Up road safety programme to support safe driving alongside gaining a driver's license.

Photo-realistic recreations of real NZ roads and scenarios.

Our special methodology to support rapid experiential learning without causing motion sickness in Virtual Reality.

Ability for a driver to make decisions and experience outcomes in a range of scenarios.

Test mode to practise under pressure.

Instructor modes to allow real life driving instructors to support a student as part of their license journey.

Training modes to provide a supportive and encouraging learning environment that suits all styles of learning.

Discover CoDriVR Level Up
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Discover Level Up

CoDriVR Level Up is a powerful, experiential driving programme designed to provide learning and inexperienced drivers with an understanding of the physics, psychology, and consequences of driving decisions.

We believe that Level Up should be an essential part of every driver's education which is why we are developing options to subsidise this programme.

We give inexperienced drivers the freedom to explore a range of driving scenarios, try different decisions and experience the outcomes in virtual reality. In doing so, they learn fundamental safe driving skills without the devastation that can result from making the same mistakes on real roads.

What does it include?

Distractions and how phone use affects driving performance.

Open road overtaking decisions.

Speed and how it relates to reaction and stopping distances.

Vehicle speeds and positioning on unmarked roads.

Version 1

Virtual reality headset sitting on the centre line of a long straight road, looking towards the mountains.

Pricing and Availability

​CoDriVR Licence Assist and Level Up are currently in development but early versions are available soon with special pre-order pricing.



Meta Quest 3

All inclusive



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